how to build strong client relationships
For Agencies. Half-day
This workshop is aimed at client-facing staff in any type of communication-orientated agency.
It involves a rigorous analysis of all the ingredients that build a robust, long-term partnership with clients
During the session delegates audit their own client relationships and develop a plan to improve them. In this way the audit can become the basis for the agency's client development planning.
I bring insights from my own experience of working with clients in a wide variety of sectors including Coca-Cola, GSK, Levi's, P&G, Nestle, O2, Roche and Diageo.
I've run this workshop for many years for the IPA but also offer it direct to agencies. Delegates have attended from Havas, Wunderman, Abbot Mead Vickers, VCCP, Mother, Creature, Carat, MediaCom and TBWA.

For Clients. Half-day
Developed to help clients improve the quality of their relationship with advertising agencies; to increase productivity, ensure their fees are spent wisely and ultimately produce more effective campaigns.
The course deals with two broad areas. Firstly, it covers the benefits of true partnership and what makes a strong one. And secondly it offers practical advice on how to work with an agency throughout all the key stages of campaign development, including briefing, responding in creative presentations, working through the production process and how to resolve issues and run an appraisal.
It’s aimed at clients at all levels responsible for managing advertising agencies and developing campaigns. This could include experienced clients who may have found working with an agency frustrating, as well as those who previously had little experience of working with an agency.
I've run the workshop with sixty clients at GSK, the EMEA Communications team at Adobe and (via ISBA) with marketing and procurement staff at L'Oréal, BT and Barclays.

how to run a pitch to ensure you select the right agency
For Clients. Half-day
A recent survey found that 63% of clients were disappointed with their choice of agency, once they’d started working with them, three months after the pitch.
This course offers a former agency insider's view on how to apply rigour and careful consideration at every stage of the pitch process as well as opening clients’ eyes to the many different ways to run pitches.
It's aimed at staff at any level in Marketing or Procurement involved in managing pitches to select an agency.